Ajman University |
Ajman, UAE |
https://www.ajman.ac.ae/en/ |
American University in Cairo |
Cairo, Egypt |
https://www.aucegypt.edu/ |
American University in Ras Al Khaimah |
Ras Al khaimah, UAE |
https://aurak.ac.ae/en/student/office-student-success/international-students-programs/ |
Chang Gung University |
Taoyuan, Taiwan (R.O.C.) |
http://www.cgu.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en |
Epitech School of Digital Innovation |
Paris, France |
http://international.epitech.eu/ |
Fontys University of Applied Sciences |
Venlo, Netherlands |
https://fontys.edu/Home.htm |
Hochschule Ruhr West (HRW) |
Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany |
https://en.hochschule-ruhr-west.de/ |
Istanbul Gelisim University |
Istanbul, Turkey |
https://www.gelisim.edu.tr/tr/gelisim-anasayfa |
Japan Center for Michigan Universities |
Hikone City, Japan |
http://jcmu.isp.msu.edu/ |
Keimyung University |
Daegu, South Korea |
http://www.kmcu.ac.kr/english/main/index.htm |
Konkuk University |
Seoul, South Korea |
http://www.konkuk.ac.kr/do/Eng/Index.do |
Lebanese American University - SIARC |
Beirut, Lebanon |
http://sinarc.lau.edu.lb/ |
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Munich, Germany |
https://www.lmu.de/en/ |
Nanjing Medical University |
Nanjing, China |
http://english.njmu.edu.cn/ |
Pukyong National University |
Busan, South Korea |
http://www.pknu.ac.kr/usrEngIndex.do |
Sao Paulo State University - UNESP |
Sao Paulo, Brazil |
https://www.international.unesp.br/ |
Shanghai University - Sydney Institute of Language and Commerce |
Shanghai, China |
http://www.shusilc.shu.edu.cn/ |
Universidad de Navarra - Tecnun School of Engineering |
San Sebastian, Spain |
http://www.tecnun.es/ |
Universidad Externado de Colombia |
Bogota, Colombia |
https://www.uexternado.edu.co/ |
Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais |
Belo Horizonte, Brazil |
https://ufmg.br/ |
Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina |
Florianopolis, Brazil |
http://ufsc.br/ |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
https://ufrj.br/ |
Universita degli Studi dell'Aquila |
L'Aquila, Italy |
http://www.univaq.it/en/ |
Universita degli Studi di Bergamo |
Bergamo, Italy |
https://en.unibg.it/ |
Universita degli Studi d'Annunzio Chieti - Pescara |
Pescara, Italy |
https://en.unich.it/ |
Universite de Lille |
Lille, France |
https://www.univ-lille.fr/ |
Universite de Nantes - Polytech Nantes |
Nantes, France |
https://www.unich.it/ |
University of Angers |
Angers, France |
https://www.univ-angers.fr/en/index.html |
University of Guadalajara |
Guadalajara, Mexico |
http://www.udg.mx/en |
University of Mannheim |
Mannheim, Germany |
https://www.uni-mannheim.de/en/ |
University of Salford |
Manchester, United Kingdom (England) |
https://www.salford.ac.uk/ |
University of Seoul |
Seoul, South Korea |
http://www.uos.ac.kr/en/main.do |
University of Siegen |
Siegen, Germany |
https://www.uni-siegen.de/start/ |
University of Tours Francois-Rabelais |
Tours, France |
https://www.univ-tours.fr/site-de-l-universite/ |
University of Windsor |
Windsor, Canada |
http://www.uwindsor.ca/ |